The last week of the campaign were a bit slow, an issue of playing out the in-town wanderings the same way we did in person.
DM - The ride is somber, little is said until you return to the village. Anrock gets help moving his brother into the room he paid for at the public house and lays him on a bunk, taking the one above it. Two beds available across the room prove rough and hard, but sleep comes quick from the events of the night. Soon birds chirp and you both awaken to the rustling sound of Anrock dropping the chainmail off his brothers body. Footsteps can be heard below you in the public house, with voices talking indistinctly.
Shawn - Va'lar walks over to Anrock, setting a hand on his shoulder, softly rubbing it "I'm sorry about your loss. I can see if they'll bring drinks to our room, on me of course "
DM - "Get some water too, I want to clean him up before we leave." Anrock says as he wipes his brothers face clean with a rag.
Todd - Mikkel wakes and reaches over to Odin to pet him, remembering his loss he then itches his wounds and groggily forces himself out of bed to see Va'lar being a good friend.
Mikkel then steps out of the room and scouts out for someone to receive drinks from.
Shawn - Va'lar nods a bit and gets up, following Mikkel out of the room and towards the bar
DM - Making your way out of the room and down stairs you make your way to the bar. A handful of people are sitting and eating a meal of bread, fried eggs, and sliced ham at the bar and tables. A woman greets you both with a smile, "Good morning, what can I get you two?"
Shawn - "Mornin' Ma'am, can we get three plates of food, some water and ale to go with it all?"
DM - "Ham and eggs okay?" She says as she turns and scoops water from a large barrel in a wooden mug and serves two mugs of ale to you shortly after.
Todd - "Definitely okay!" Mikkel replies with a forced smile.
Shawn - "Perfectly, Thank you. May I get a third cup? We have a friend up in the room"
DM - "Sure" She pours another ale and says "It'll be a moment on the food, have a seat and I'll be back with you." She woman walks into another room and you can hear her cooking the food for you.
Shawn - Va'lar sees her off with a nod befoe taking the ale and sipping at it as he looks around the Inn, not for anything in particular, just idly scanning the room
Todd - Mikkel returns back to Anrock with the remaining drinks.
DM - You see a few of the same people from the night before, mostly locals you judge from the way they are dressed. Two people stand out to you, a woman and a man sitting across from each other at one of the tables. Two shields rest on the table and you're able to spot a mace hanging from the belt of the woman.
Anrock takes the ale and drinks deep, clearly needing it. His brother is stripped down nude and Anrock uses the water and rag to quickly clean the body. "Oh Dag' I shouldn't have convinced you to take the job with me. I could have paid someone to drive the second wagon." He says as he works.
Shawn - Va'lar waits for the food
Todd - "Anrock you're going to have to learn to forgive yourself and understand it's not your fault. " Mikkel says with a pained expression. He moves closer to the brothers, "Is there... anything I can do or do you need some space?"
DM - She returns after a few minutes and brings with her three wooden plates, each with an iron fork, two eggs and a slice of ham on them. "Here you are, Be careful not to drop them if you take them to the room and be sure to bring them back down with you. Three coins for the food, Three for the Ale." She says as she sets the plates down on the bar and holds out her hand.
Anrock drinks deep from the mug again and says "One day I'll forgive myself, but not today. I'll need help getting him to the temple, for the rites and all. I'd like to wrap him in a blanket if you have one in your pack, don't want people gawking at the dead."
Shawn - Va'lar hands the coins to her before taking the plates in his hands "Thanl ya ma'am, and can do" He says before making his way back up, using his foot to knock on the door "Mikkel, it's me, mind opening the door?"
Todd - "Understandable Anrock. Um. I'm strapped for coin, but I'm sure someone will buy my sword off of me." Mikkel replies.
"Yes sir! On my way" he shouts before Mikkel runs to the door to retrieve his food.
Shawn - Steps inside with the plates, handing one off to Mikkel before giving one to Anrock "Here, please I know you may not have an appetite but you should eat"
Todd - Mikkel nods in agreement.
DM - Anrock takes the plate and slowly eats, to the best of his ability. "Three days until I'm expected to deliver my wagon at Duke Groleld's manor." Finishing off the ale he says "I'll have to leave tomorrow morning, least I can do so say thank you is pay for the room for another night. What do you two plan to do, go back in that accursed hole? I know a safe was on the wagon, I'm sure you seen it at the bottom when you went down."
Shawn - Va'lar looks over at Mikkel "Yeah, I am thinking about going into it, I am curious about the magic that was going there anyway you think you could spare some of the items left on the cart you have? It would help us get back down into that hole and get revenge on what did this to your brother. Could make sure no one else has to suffer the same fate he did"
DM - "Strange magics are not for the faint of heart, playing around with that stuff is only going to lead you to trouble." Anrock thinks for a moment "I don't have much that's useful. We left the rope out there so you can keep that, Other than that we have tapestries and rugs. I'm hoping the Duke believes me when I tell him what happened, least I end up whipped and without a job."
Shawn - Va'lar nods a bit "If you want, you are more than welcome to join us, you don't have to go into the hole, but if you want to avoid a lashing you can stand gaurd at the top of the hole, ready to pull us out incase any weird magic happens again. I'd be happy to give you some of the money we get from the cart, to start a new life"
DM - "I don't think I could do that, not so soon after. I want as much distance from me and that hole as I can get."
Shawn - Va'lar nods a little, taking a bite of his food "I understand, but the offer still stands, if you run into us again we'd be happy to have the company"
Todd - "I mean, it's always good to have helping hand or someone new to talk with. Perhaps we can pick up new dogs together."
Shawn - "We'd appreciate the extra night in the room, we need to rest a bit, let me know when you want to help moving Dagrock..." With that Va'lar would head down stairs, food and drink in hand. Making his way to the bar he flags the bartender down "Mornin' again, I was wondering if you had a second to chat at all, curious bout the town"
Todd - "Um. Speaking of which..." Mikkel drops to a whisper. "Can you spot me some coins, we want to wrap Dagrock up. I could sell my sword if you want to keep your purse heavy."
Shawn - "You can sell that chainmail if you want, just give me some of the coins from it"
Todd - Mikkel nods in agreement again.
DM - Anrock nods slowly "I'll think about it over the day, That's all I can say for now."
The woman who helped you earlier tells you "I have a moment, What did you want to know about our little village?"
Shawn - "Well I'm sure you heard bout last night, I know word travels quick in small towns. We helped out the man who lost his brother last night, and I was wondering if you've had anything like that happening as of recently, anything out of the ordinary"
Todd - Mikkel eats his meal quietly observing Anrock and reflecting on the magical incident.
DM - "Well when I awoke to my husband coming back to bed and saying we had a body in the building, I was more than a little surprised. Hearing of what happened from that wagon driver this morning really has me shaken, and so near our village!" She gets pale as she says this, truly scared of the idea. Nothing like that happens near here, not on this side of the river.
Anrock dresses his brother in fresh clothes from his own pack.
Shawn - Va'lar nods a little bit "So this is the first time anything has happened like this around here? Haven't heard any stories from travelers?"
Todd - "Um...Anrock is there anything you want to send Dagrock away with? Like an heirloom? My brother believes in Valhalla so he was buried with a sword."
DM - "No, we had a scholar a few months back who was searching across the river for a cave or something. Stayed for a night before taking the road north to Hemlock, the only walled city in the area. I've never heard of anything like this happening."
"I'll bury him in his jacket, our mother made it for him before we left with the wagons. That's about all he had when we left."
Shawn - "Well damn, hopefully this stays the only incideint like this here. Thanks for the food, it was delcious" He says before he stands up, and heading back to the room "Anrock is there anything you need? I am about to head into town, Mikel I can take that chainmail in and sell it if you wish"
Todd - "Oh. Okay, I found him with an unique dagger and was curious if it was something kept in the family."
DM - "Glad you enjoyed it!" She says as you walk away. You enter and hear Anrock say "Don't know anything about a dagger, maybe he got it out of the safe on the wagon. Strange though."
"I don't need much, just a good blanket to wrap Dagrock in. I can give you a couple coins to pay for one while you're out shopping. "
Shawn - Va'lar shakes his head "Don't worry, I'll buy one for you, you can keep the coins" He says before reaching down to grab the chainmail, handing his purse with 38 coins to Mikkel "Incase you need to go out as well" He sayd before heading out to find the local black smith, or someone whod by the armor
DM - You exit the public house, looking left and right at the village of buildings spaced out from each other, you hear the sound of a hammer against an anvil to your left and can spot the sign for a store to your right.
Todd - "Anrock, you will be fine alone?"
Shawn - Heads to the anvil noise
DM - You walk down the dirt road, passing the wagon outside of the public house. You reach the source of the sound, a burly man hammering horse shoes into shape at a brick forge next to a wooden building, little more than a shack. "Hello there, got a few rivets out of place?" He says as he points at the chainmail you're carrying.
Shawn - Va'lar lifts a hand up as he approaches "Mornin' Sir! Actually no, I was wondering if you'd be interested in buying this piece off of me"
DM - He takes the chainmail and looks it over, "Seems to be in great shape, hardly used. I can give you 100 coins for it."
Mikkel enters the building, finding it to have nearly everything one could expect from a small town general store.
Todd - Mikkel scans around for some nicer linens than what a peasant accepts for a blanket.
Shawn - Just shakes his head "It's worth at least 150 and you know that, but being a small town, I'd be willing to part with it for 140"
DM - Mikkel finds the blankets, rough wool that would be nice during a cold night, and not much else on display. A man behind the counter watches you as you look around.
"I can do 130, take it or leave it. I likely won't be able to sell the armor so I'm just buying it for the metal." The man says, looking at the pile of unfinished horse shoes next to him.
Todd - "Hey good sir. Got anything nicer than that?" Mikkel says while pointing at the blankets on display.
Shawn - With that he tosses the chainmail onto the table "Got yourself a deal my friend"
DM - The shop keep stands up straight "Nicer blankets? I have some silk in the back, too nice to have every miner come in and touch it."
The smith retrieves two pouches from the shop, and counts out the coins. "There you are, all 130. Where did you find a set of armor like this anyways? I'm sure you didn't haul it all the way out here to sell to me."
Todd - "Reasonable reason. What's the starting price?"
Shawn - "Well, you might've heard mummers around town with that traveler who lost his brother, my friend and I went down to find him and... well we barely made it out with our lifes, and happened to find this while we were there"
DM - "20 coins for the blanket and that's not just the starting price, it's the final one too."
"I haven't heard of anything like that, where did he lose his brother at?"
Shawn - "A little while down the road, the ground opened up and took a wagon down with it. My friend and I went in and, well it's not something I'd like to think back on"
Todd - "Well, let's see it."
DM - "Sorry to hear that. I better get back to work, the horses need shoes."
The shop keep goes into a back room and brings out a beautiful light blue silk sheet, folded nicely. "It's about 12 by 12 all opened, a real nice piece of fabric."
Todd - Mikkel retrieves 20 coins to hand over to the shopkeep.
Shawn - "Speaking of animals, is there a farm nearby where I can get a donkey or a goat? Some sort of pack animal"
DM - "Thank you, enjoy the silk." The shopkeep says with a smile.
"Just down the road," The smith points down past the public house. "You'll find Gimloc, he has goats and pigs. He'll take care of you." he says and picks up his hammer to work again.
Shawn - "Thank you" He says before heading in that way
Todd - Mikkel smiles back and ask, "Any mining tools?"
DM - "Pickaxes, pulleys, and rope, we have it all."
As Va'lar walks past the shop he spots Mikkel inside through the open door.
Todd - "How much for a pulley and shovel?"
Shawn - "Hey Mikkel, I'll meet you in the room tonight" He says before heading towards the farm
DM - "12 coins for the shovels, 3 coins for a pulley." He says, pointing to a barrel of shovels and pickaxes across the room.
Todd - "I'll grab one of each"
DM - The shopkeeper takes the 15 coins from you and gets the pulley as you get a shovel. "Be sure you don't go trying to get your own out of the mine west of town, That'll land you in some serious trouble."
Todd - "Why's that?" Mikkel asks with a raised eyebrow.
DM - "Because you don't own it, Only the Tumblerock mining company has the rights to what's inside the mine."
Va'lar reaches the farm, but the smell of animals reached him first. You find a man throwing feed to the hogs as you approach, and see a fenced off area with goats eating at the grass.
Shawn - "Mornin' Sir, Gimloc is it?" He asks walking closer towards the fence
Todd - "Certainly. When you work hard you can create business. Like this store front or sprawling mines. But I must be off now." Mikkel gently puts away the silk blanket, slings on the pulley to his pack and begins to walk out the store with the shovel in hand.
DM - "Aye, Do I know you?" He says, not turning to face you as he keeps throwing to the pigs.
"Have a good day sir." The shopkeep says as he rearranges some rope hanging on the wall.
Shawn - "No Sir, least not yet. Spoke the the blacksmith in town and he sent me to you, I have a group of men just outside of town and will need to be feeding them over the next few days, was wondering if I could buy a few goats or even some pigs from you, not all at once, don't have the room for them, but a few each day"
Todd - Mikkel makes his way around town to see the any spots of interest and to enjoy the open air instead of the musty underground.
DM - "How many men?" Gimloc says as he turns to face you, "I have the most goats, so that'll be your best bet. Lets take a look at 'em."
Mikkel finds the village feeling rather large, mostly because of the large space between each building. The whole place stretches on down a single road, it's far end leading into the mountains to the west, where the shopkeeper told you there was a mine. You see three bunkhouses, but not many people at this time.
Todd - Mikkel takes a short walk down the single road leading towards the mountains.
Shawn - "Including me, 6, I know how to butcher most animals, so to keep the meat fresher, and to make it easier to move, I'll take 'em to the camp alive. Goats are fine, but a pig or two would be great, better meat to keep moral ya know"
DM - Nearing the mountains Mikkel can see the entrance to the mine, about a half mile down the road. No buildings are built in this half mile, except for one large one at the mouth of the mine.
"We'll I have 12 goats I can part with, if you come back each day you can take one at a time. As for pigs I have three I can sell to you. "
Shawn - "And the prices for them?"
DM - "3 coins per goat, 6 coins per hog. Can't do much lower than that."
Todd - Mikkel snorts and turns back into town with an eye out for any odd passerby. If nobody catches his eye he will return to the common room.
Shawn - "Wouldn't ask for lower, I'll take 'em all. I'll be back sometime later to grab them, proabbly around the same time every night, is that okay?" He asks as he counts out the coins "Is there a place you can keep them wher eI can just grab them if you aren't out?"
DM - "If you're paying upfront I can keep all the goats in one pen here, I'll move the ones I'm keeping to the back of the farm. As for the pigs I can't help you, you'll have to be here after sunrise for me to get them out."
Mikkel doesn't see anyone strange as he walks back, You do pass a brick building that is clearly the temple.
Shawn - "Can do, I'll probably take the pigs tonight then, all in one trip to make it easier, I'll take the goats over the next few days, Thank ya Sir, Name's Va'lar" He says as he holds out one hand, to shake before giving him the coins
DM - Gimloc shakes your hand with a smile, "Happy to help you, Va'lar. I'll be here all day so come by anytime you want to take the pigs. Bring a rope to lead them."
Shawn - "Yes sir can do" He says before heading back into town
Va'lar heads to the general store and buys some rope before heading towards the room
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