2d20 Naming Table

    I found myself in need of a naming table for a culture of desert dwelling folk in my current campaign, The Gorn River Valley. This gives me a good chance to show how I'll use my prefix-suffix method of creating names. The easiest way is to use a selection of names from our world and then split them up, in this case a list of popular baby names in Africa and a list of popular baby names in the Middle East. 

 1. Ayo - dele
 2. Yet - unde
 3. Aj - uji
 4. Pum - za
 5. Chep - tanui
 6. Kip - tanui
 7. Mis - rak
 8. Lind - iwe
 9. Nha - mo
10. Man - yara
11. A - mir
12. O - mar
13. Ah - mad
14. Ibra - him
15.You - sef
16. Kah - lil
17. Ri - az
18. S - aif
19. Sul - tan
20. Zai - re

    All you'll need to do to use the table it to roll 2d20, one for the prefix and another for the suffix. For example, rolling 9 give the prefix "Nha" and rolling a 6 gives the suffix "tanui" for the name "Nha-tan-ui". Another example, rolling a 7 and 13 gives the name "Mis-ma-d". If you were to exhaust all options this table provides 400 possible names, and who's to say people in your world don't share names like we do in ours? 

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