The Gorn River Valley, Part 11

    This will likely be the last installment of this campaign. Shawn is back from his temperary summer job so we'll be picking back up our in person gaming. In this weeks game the players get in a small fight and rest with the kobolds in the dungeon. 

Shawn - Will step to the side and let Terriherd take the lead once more

DM - Terriherd leads the group east along the southern wall, past the stair room and to the room that still has the stinking dead horse inside.

Todd - Mikkel gags but keeps his meal inside his stomach. "The armor wouldn't happen to be under the horse would it?"

DM - "No, in the corner with the coins." Terriherd says with a canine smile.

Entering with the torch Mikkel can see two sets of chainmail, three swords, and a pile of coins pushed into the south eastern corner. In the light the horse has visible bite marks where the kobolds have been eating the rotting meat.

Shawn - "Can we take the armor as well Terriherd? " He asks as he gets down and starts to count the coins out

DM - "Yes, if it will help." Terriherd says. "We have lots coins, help build a new home."

Todd - "Big home" Mikkel adds.

Shawn - "Big home needs a lot of coins, is this all you have?"

DM - As Va'lar finishs counting them, you find the kobolds have 500 coins exactly in the corner. "Shepgle took many of them, in two pouches to give to the flying things so they would leave. The coins are still inside." Terriherd says. 

Pakrath speaks up "The bats are hungry, they've been eating the kobold in there but it's not a lot. Probably easier to kill, but they are more likely to attack than flee."

Shawn - Looks over his shoulder at the Pakrath "Did you see how many bats are in there? Think we can take 'em?"

DM - Tanehoth speaks up "Two, maybe three. I think using the door as a choke point, borrow a polearm, and taking them out will be easy."

Todd - Mikkel nods his head in agreement.

Shawn - Nods a little bit "Sounds like a solid plan. Think we can use a few of those polearms Terriherd, we can get that extra coins and get rid of those bats for you so you and your pack have more space to rest for the next few days"

DM - "Sure, I have one by the stairs. We could use the meat too." Terriherd says, motioning you to follow.

Shawn - Gets up to follow  "We'll met you two by the door go and tell the Kobolds by it to stand clear" he says towards Pakrath and Tanehoth. Once the two were far enough away he'd lean towards Mikkel "500 coins there"

Todd - "You sure we can carry that in one trip?"

Shawn - "We can leave some stuff behind since we are planning on coming back tomorrow, so we aren't carrying as much. May not need all of it anyways"

Todd - "Need" Mikkel says repeatedly for a few seconds. "I'd like to bring as much as possible friend."

Shawn - "I mean, we need always need more, but since we are coming back we don't have to haul it all out now. I am very excited to see what is in that safe"

Todd - "Same. Even if its documents, its got to be important to someone."

DM - Before you talk Pakrath lights a torch off Mikkels and leaves with Terriherd. 

You two discuss what you're doing with the coins, and as you finish you can hear Pakrath's voice off the stone walls "Let's get them then, Bat steak for dinner!"

Shawn - Will turn his head and start heading towards teh room in a brisk pace "C'mon, can't miss out on a fight"

DM - Va'lar and Mikkel round the corner and see Pakrath and Tanehoth walking down the south western hallway, Tanehoth carrying the polearm on his shoulder. Terriherd is following them, tail wagging.

Shawn - Chuckles a bit "You didn't start without us did ya?"

Todd - Mikkel does his best to keep up with his bow in hand.

DM - You catch up near the short hallway before the door the bats are in. The light from the two torches illuminates through the hold in the door, and you can't see anything moving.

Todd - Mikkel coughs loudly and holds his ear out to hear if there's a reaction.

Shawn - "Are there any more poles we can use Terri? With Mikkel and Pakrath in the front, Tanehoth and I can take the rear and should be able to make quick work of these things"

DM - Terriherd nods and Tanehoth speaks up "I'm not that good with a weapon, but I can try."

Mikkel is unable to hear any movement from inside the room.

Todd - Mikkel shrugs and notches an arrow.

Shawn - "Oh sorry, not used to working with a mage, I'll just take the pole arm then, if you want Pakrath, you can use my sheild" He says as he takes the pole arm from Terriherd, while offering his shield to Pakratj

DM - Pakrath takes the shield, strapping it to his arm. "Thank ya" he says as he draws his mace.

Shawn - Pats Pakrath on the shoulder "Course, Now are y'all ready for this?" He says holding the Polearm up

DM - Pakrath takes point at the door, Mikkel beside him, with Va'lar behind him. Tanehoth takes the torch from Mikkel as he notches an arrow, now holding one in each hand. "Busting in or taking it slow?" Pakrath asks as he puts a hand on the door latch.

Todd - "Slow. Could we get a quick peak and/or listen of the door to get an idea of their numbers. We could use some magic on my bow if there's many."

Shawn - "sounds good to me"

DM - Pakrath eases the door open, pushing it wide. The room is 30x30, you enter from the center of the northern wall. Three dire bats are cuddling in the south west corner, the body of a long dead kobold lies in the south east corner with two bags and a bow next to him. The bats stir as you enter, taking flight.

Todd - Tanehoth spits into his left hand begins to sway his torso right to left while making hissing sounds for spellcasting.

Mikkel will let an arrow loose upon the furthest bat.

Shawn - Both Pakrath and Va'lar ready their weapons

DM - Tanehoth continues to try and work the magic, Hissing louder and swaying over the torch on the ground he dropped to spit in his hand, but nothing seems to be happening. Mikkel's arrow misses the flying creatures, striking the stone wall and snapping in two.

The three bats fly at the open door, one in front of Mikkel and the other two in front and beside Pakrath.

Shawn - Va'lar does two quick jabs, one at the bat in front of Mikkel and one at the bat in front of Pakrath. Pakrath swings at the one on the left.

DM - Va'lar's two stabs meet their mark at the flying creatures, dealing 5 damage to both as they attack at Pakrath, who used his shield to block the creatures. One of the bats Va'lar struck drops dead out of the air while Pakrath swings at a bat as it flies back into the room before hitting the wall unable to fly from it's lethal wound. 

The bat near Mikkel flies around while being held at bay with the bow, unable to land an attack.

Tanehoth opens his hand with a yell only for nothing to happen, his spell failed.

Todd - "Use your fangs Tanehoth!" Mikkel shouts pointing at Tanehoth's dagger. Who in turn throws the weapon at the bat. Mikkel will follow up the dagger throw with his own ranged attack from the trusty bow.

DM - Tanehoth grabs his dagger in a hurry and flings it at the bat. His grip is loose and he releases the blade early causing it to hit, handle end, into Mikkels back. Unfazed Mikkel lets loose an arrow, striking the bat in the chest. The creature lands and drags it self for a moment, before coming to a final rest.

"Well, that went well." Pakrath says, slowly walking to the bat against the back wall, checking if it's dead.

Todd - Mikkel annoyingly picks up the dagger and stows it away in his backpack.

Shawn - Turns around "Hey Terriherd, they're all dead, you can come and get them if you need more meat"

DM - Terriherd lets out a soft bark and two other kobolds come with him. They take the bats and bring them out "We'll feed the women with these, take anything you find here." Terriherd says as he helps with the bats, carrying one with an arrow still stuck in it.

Shawn - Va'lar would set Terriherds polearm outside the room before walking in, taking a look around "Good fight guys"

Todd - "Mhm" Mikkel grunts before making some steps towards the bags.

DM - Tanehoth watches as Mikkel keeps his dagger "Yeah, Good fight." he says, before throwing a torch into the middle of the room and picking up the torch off the ground. The room is mostly empty, one lonely ruined bedroll lays to the side.

At the bags Mikkel looks inside to see they are filled with coins, similar to the amount found in the other room. The bow lays near by.

Todd - "Hey Tanehoth, heads or tails?" shouts Mikkel.

Shawn - Walks over to the bed roll, seeing if there were anything stuck inside it

DM - Tanehoth is quiet a moment before speaking "Heads."

Inside the bedroll Va'lar doesn't find anything of value, the cloth is tattered and could barely hold anything without ripping.

Pakrath looks at the walls, tapping stones with his mace occasionally.

Todd - Mikkel takes a single coin out of the bag and flips it revealing Tanehoth's correct guess. Our thief presses the flipped coin tight onto the dagger then underhand tosses the two items together at Tanehoth(in a non-violent manner) before stashing a bag into his backpack.

DM - Tanehoth catches the items, putting the dagger back in his sheath and pocketing the coin.

Shawn - "Wonder who's bed roll this was, hell wonder what this room was for" He says before making his wat back towards the center of the room

DM - "Looks like another bed room, like the one next door with the log trap." Pakrath says, tapping the walls still.

Shawn - "The dwarfs called this place a prison though... I want to know what exactly it is..." He says before walking over to the bags, picking up the other bag "Find anything hidden behind the stone Pakrath?"

DM - "I'd rather not know what was kept here. It ain't here any more so it's either escaped or dealt with." Pakrath says, finishing his lap around the room. "Nothing behind the stones, as far as I can tell. Anyone taking the bow?"

Todd - "I like my current one, you can have that if you'd like."

DM - Pakrath picks it up, looking is over for a moment and carrying it in one hand. "Want the shield back, Va'lar?"

Shawn - "I'd greatly appreciate it"He says walking over to take it back "Lets get back to the main room, will probably be heading back up soon"

Todd - Mikkel will linger and hang back, ensuring he is the last in line of formation.

DM - Tanehoth leaves one torch in the room as he leaves. The four of you make your way back to the main room, finding all the kobolds eating the bats.

Todd - Mikkel will sit down by one of the kobolds and eat his ration, perhaps making what little small talk he can.

Shawn - Will find Rottherd, pulling out a bottle of wine, taking a swig of it before handing it to him.

DM - Sitting and resting with the kobolds is a welcome respite. Rottherd sips his wine cautiously, but enjoys it after a taste. The kobold who bandaged you two after the fight sits with Mikkel, not saying much but listening intently. Pakrath and Tanehoth sit nearby, eating a ration and drinking water.

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